Use video to Promote your next Event

Use Video to Promote your next Event
Video is a powerful marketing tool for any type of business, from a small start-up through to an established company. It can boost conversions, raise brand awareness and increase engagement. If your business regularly delivers events, using video can have a number of benefits. Perhaps you have an upcoming event and you want to create more of an impact with your next event or maybe you would like to increase attendance numbers. The event that you could attend may be a seminar, a conference or attendance at a trade show. For an exhibition you might be in the middle of 200 other exhibitors who are all vying for attention, so how are you going to differentiate your business? By giving them a reason to attend.
Creating an unforgettable experience for attendees starts long before any event. One of the best ways that you can increase the effectiveness of your event is through targeted and well planned video marketing. Before you attend the event, there are several different types of video that you could create many weeks before the event. Although you can place them on YouTube and social media, you want to create targeted videos for your attendees, sending them as a personalised email. There are three main types of video that you can create, and you can use one, two or a combination of all three.
Option 1 – Videos that add value
Many of your competitors will be holding their own events and hoping to gain the attention of customers in the weeks and months leading up to a major event. Set your business apart by sending high quality, high value emails to attendees. Create videos that are targeted towards the audience who will be attending, providing them with valuable content such as getting the most out of the conference, an insider’s guide or top tips for networking during the event. Make the video about the client rather than you and provide them with a valuable resource that will encourage them to keep opening emails in the weeks leading up to the event.
Option 2 – Introductory Video
If you are attending the event, it is important that the attendees are familiar with you when they arrive. Creating and appearing in a video before the event will help to build authority and create something that the attendees can relate to when they arrive on the day. You can use this video in several ways including a quick introductory video, an instructional video, an interview based on a relevant topic or an introduction to the venue or city where you are holding the event.
Option 3 Promotion or Prize Video
Really go the extra mile and offer something valuable through a giveaway at the event. Make sure that everyone knows about it and run a pre-event contest on social media that will generate engagement, interest and social shares. You can even select the winner during the event. If you promote the contest effectively you will have a large number of attendees who will engage with the promotion.
There are lots of other options that you can use to draw people in and promote your business and event before the actual day. Here are just a few:
If you regularly hold events, testimonials can be an effective way to increase attendance at future events. Live testimonials featuring attendees sharing their experiences of the event can really boost interest in your event. As an incentive, always give attendees something free as a way of thanking them for their contribution. Also write down the name, job title and company of the people you interview because this information will be added to your video to increase credibility.
Influencers or Speakers
If you can, try to get industry influencers or key speakers involved in your video content before the event. If a speaker is attending your event and they are delivering a speech or lecture, you could create a video with an insider look at what they will be discussing. You can then share this with attendees or promote it on social media to build interest in your event.
Video is becoming increasingly important as businesses become more aware of how effective it can be to market businesses and promote events. A good video production company will be able to provide expert advice and guidance on creating video content for events.
Recap videos
After the event, a recap video can be used not only to highlight the key elements of the conference or seminar but to promote future events. If combined with interviews from guests or exclusive snippets from speakers this can really add value and benefit to the attendees. The video can then conclude with a special message thanking everyone for their attendance at the event and promoting any future events that may be coming up in the near future.
Social Media
Creating short videos for publication on social media can also help to market your event if it is done effectively. Each video should be valuable, informative and build interest and excitement around the upcoming event. You could post stories on Instagram, a short minute or 30 second introductory video on YouTube or even use SnapChat to post content. Your videos should be creative and really engage with your audience to deliver the required effect.
Video marketing is growing in popularity not just for everyday marketing purposes, but for one off and regular events and seminars. Whether you are delivering a conference or seminar, running a workshop or attending a trade show, video is one of the most effective methods that you can use to immediately engage with your audience, boost attendance and create familiarity between you and attendees before the event. Working with a professional video production company is strongly recommended because this can leave a lasting impression on attendees and those who are interested in participating in the event. It can also help you build authority and increase awareness of your business too.
Are you ready to succeed with great video production?
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Hemel Hempstead
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